
The Denise D’Ascenzo Foundation Golf Tournament

Tuesday, September 9, 2025 at Wethersfield Country Club

10:30 am Registration, 11am BBQ Lunch, 12pm Shotgun start

Followed by Reception and Dinner/Awards Banquet in the Clubhouse

Our 2025 event will feature 18-holes of golf on a championship course, BBQ lunch and a Clubhouse dinner, contests on & off the greens, an auction/awards banquet emceed by local personalities, and lots of fun for a wonderful organization whose mission is to continue Denise’s legacy of love and kindness by supporting advances in medicine and health, promoting responsibility in the media, and assisting those facing physical and mental challenges.

Questions? Contact Laura Soll, Tournament Coordinator.

Call or text at 860-833-4466, or email:

Title Sponsor

Player Sign-Up is NOW OPEN!

Register to play as a single, twosome or foursome.

Includes lunch, play/cart, gift, dinner/awards banquet and more.

Sponsorships are NOW AVAILABLE!

Browse our sponsorship packages, starting at $250.

Opportunities across the course, during dinner, and more.

Wethersfield Country Club

Wethersfield Country Club is an 18-hole Championship course that was the site of the very first Greater Hartford Open (now the Travelers Championship). It has hosted golf outings for some of the most prominent corporate and non-profit organizations in Connecticut. The Denise D’Ascenzo Foundation is pleased to be part of this impressive history and thanks Club Management for its support.

Thank you to our 2024 Tournament sponsors!

Laura Soll Public Relations, LLC

CT Fishing & Outdoor Show

CT Flower & Garden Show